Norwich and District 

Museum and Archives

Norwich Museum:

Fall, Winter, Spring hours begin Sept 3:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday 10am to 4pm

Closed Thurs. Sept. 5 to Wed. Sept. 11. Thurs. Sept. 12 open 1:00 pm. Thurs. Sept 19 open 1:00 pm

Norwich Archives:

The Archives closes for the winter December 8 and reopens March 14. Volunteers will not be available to answer genealogy questions. General inquiries sent by email will be addressed once a week. Appointments are still available with the Archivist but a lot of lead time is required so email early about visiting.

When open, the Archives is staffed Thursday 10-4 and visits are preferably by appointment. Because of limited space, we can only accommodate 2 or 3 researchers at a time or a group of 4 so "drop in" guests may be turned away.  Call or email to set up your time. The archives has volunteers there only on Thursday so planning ahead is necessary. If you wish to visit some other day appointments can be set up but plan well in advance as Thursday is the only day we are sure to be there and pick up emails or answer the phone.

The archives charges a $10 fee for research, but it is free with Historical Society membership.