Norwich and District 

Museum and Archives


Lunch and Learn: Norwich in the Golden Age of postcards
Wed., Oct 9 at 11:00 at the Museum

On Wednesday, October 9th at 11am, Norwich & District Museum welcomes Dr Matthew Griffis from Oxford County Library for the first of our 2024-2025 Lunch & Learns!  Dr Griffis, who is the Digital Literacy ad Local History Technician at the Tillsonburg Branch of OCL, will give a talk titled: 'Norwich in the Golden Age of postcards'.
Postcards are windows into the past. They reveal much about the history of places and people. View cards, the most popular type of postcard a century ago, usually showed a town or city’s main streets, important businesses, residences, schools, special events, and more. In this presentation, Dr. Matthew Griffis of the Oxford County Library will share and discuss a selection of Norwich and area postcards, most dating from the early 1900s – the “golden age” of the picture postcard. He will also discuss the advantages and risks of using old postcards in historical research.
This event will be followed by a free soup and sandwich lunch. Attendance is free, but donations to help cover our costs are encouraged (recommended donation: $10). Please register in advance by telling us you're "Going" on the Facebook event page or contacting the Museum by email or phone. Reservations help us to know how much food we need and how many seats to put out, so please make sure that you are able to come and let us know!

Heritage dinner and silent auction
Sat., Oct 19 from 5:00 pm at the Oxford Centre Hall 
Tickets at the museum or from Board members





Gore Church decorated for a carol sing. See the interior.

Barn Quilt Trail Find out about the barn quilt trail.

Cheese Trail
Find out about the trail. See the Google maps pins and the location of some of the cheesey spots. Pick up a brochure at any of the venues.


See photos of the moving of the Norwich Gore church to the Historical Society site, March 2011.